Thursday, January 22, 2009

Way too Long of an Update

Hey Everyone,
I apologize for the lack of editing or proper grammar and spelling, I don’t feel like reading through it and fixing everything.
Sorry I haven’t updated recently, I’ve been a bit lazy.
Italy is an amazing country that is different from the United States in so many ways. In the past the only other places I’ve been are Mexico, Canada and Belize (country directly to the south of Mexico) Italy is interesting. I’m glad that I’m in a smaller city, as I feel that the struggle to learn Italian is something that is important to learn. Even though I’ve only been here about two weeks I already feel that I am learning basic understanding of what is happening around me, although the ability to respond will take much longer. I hope that by the time I leave that I will have an elementary level of Italian that will allow for me to communicate the basics in stores, bars (cafes), and pubs (bars).
Being on my own, and cooking for myself is also a pleasant change from Jerry’s (my cook at school) food. My fridge is broken right now so I only have freezing ability so my variety is a bit limited but once it is fixed (hopefully today) I will be able to expand. Right now I generally stick to pasta (fresh or dried), tortellini (spinach and cheese), chicken, tomatoes sauce, olive oil, a little cheese (that is frozen), and various seasonings. I also throw in some vegetables with what I make to change it up a little but it will be much easier once my fridge works and I will start getting some peppers, onions and similar things so I can make some good meals. The food in general is much fresher compared to the US and in the coming weeks I hope to expand my variety. Surprisingly I haven’t been able to find garlic powder or the prechopped fresh garlic that I use at home.
As for Perugia it is a small city that has an interesting culture. It is pretty small, so you do see the same people repeatedly, but it is also very different. For those of you who enjoy shopping I could imagine you would love it, there are tons of small boutique shops as well as larger brands such as Ralph Lauren. Right now they are in their sale season, but I’ve been told the prices drop even further in the beginning of February so I may have to pick up some clothes. There is also a small market on weekday mornings about 15 minutes from school so if I have a day I finish my homework the night before I may head over there to explore. There is also a large market on Saturdays so sometime when I stay here I will have to head over.
Last Saturday I headed over to Assisi, which is home to the Bastille of San Francisco, who is pretty big in Christianity (I was explained the history by one person I was with). It is a beautiful church, and I could tell by watching people in the tomb (I watched from afar) that it was an intense experience. The upper level was enormous and it was kind of sad how the fresco paintings were starting to fade. In addition to going to the church we also climbed up to a fortress. There were some amazing views even though it was a foggy day (see my photos), I definitely want to go back when there is better weather.
I had only Italian class last week and started regular class this week. My classes will not be terribly difficult, but there is a lot of reading. I am taking a class on the EU, Italian 101, Italian food and culture, Roman History and possibly a class on the politics of Modern Italy (I may drop it).
So, basically that’s what has been going on over here.
Obviously, I was excited for the inauguration and disappointed that I wasn’t there. One of the people I gave my tickets to wasn’t able to get in because the lines were so long so that makes me less depressed but still sad that I missed out. I really hope that President Obama does good things for our country. I worked really hard over the past two years and I hope he sticks with his message and does some good things.

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