Monday, January 12, 2009

I am here in Perguia. The trip started out fine, my plane from Ohare was on time (rare). My plane took off from DC about 20 minutes late because there was some luggage that wasn't attributed to a person, except then they said the luggage didn't exist, but my plane didn't blow up so it's all good.

I got to Rome and spent a couple hours in the airport until we got on the bus to take to Perugia. Perugia is a awsome city, it has about 180,000 people who live here, of which about 30,000 are students, or something like that. The bars love Americans, and want us to go to their place throughout the 4 months we are here so this week is kinda like freshman rush week where bars will give you really good deals for your drinks. Though, once this is over the cost of things is pretty high compared to champaign, a beer is about 3-4 euro the same for mixed drinks. Food at the store isn't that bad. I spent 16 euro for toast, jam, yougurt, apples, mottzerella, frozen green beans, a bottle of wine, tortallini, pasta and butter.

Only problem I've had is with my apartment, as it is only two of us and really far away from everything else. We talked to the housing coordinators and we might be getting switched, we should find out tomorrow. I really hope they make the switch because the place we would change to is much nicer than my place and is actually near stuff such as internet cafes and grocery stores.

Other than this I started italian class today, and I have some homework I have to do before I figure out what I am going to do tonight.

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